Configure Alarm Limits

Use the fields within the Alarm Limits section of the Analog Point tab to set limits for a DNP3 SCADAPack analog point and specify whether an alarm or event is generated if the point’s value exceeds those limits.

The following properties are common to DNP3 SCADAPack analog points:

For further information on configuring limits, see Configure the Limits for an Analog Point in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration.

If any High or Low limits are profile-controlled, the unused ‘fixed’ Limit field within the Alarm Limits section of the tab will be ‘grayed out’ and unavailable for use. You still use the other fields within the Alarm Limits section to configure other properties associated with such limits. For more information, see Specify Whether any Profiles are Used to Change a Point’s Limits or Current Value.

If the point’s PointData Class is set to Class 1 Event, Class 2 Event or Class 3 Event and the point’s limit has a Severity of Event or Alarm, the SCADAPack E outstation can be configured to generate and store an event in its Event Buffer when the corresponding alarm limit is transgressed. The event is stored in the outstation’s Event Buffer according to the Point Data Class of the point (see Configure Common Properties of DNP3 SCADAPack Points). Use each limit’s RTU Event field to specify whether the outstation generates an event whenever the corresponding Alarm Limit is exceeded and if so, whether it just stores that event, or immediately generates an unsolicited message (see Specify Whether a Class n Event Triggers an Unsolicited Message).

Use the Out of Range RTU Event field at the bottom of the Alarm Limits section to Specify how the SCADAPack Outstation Handles Underrange, Overrange and Invalid RTU Events.

(RTU Event fields are ‘grayed out’ and unavailable for use if the point’s Point Data Class is set to Local or Class 0 Static Only.)


Geo SCADA Expert 2022