Configure Unsolicited Message Generation

The fields within the Unsolicited Message Generation section of the tab apply to unsolicited messages that the outstation sends to any DNP3 master. If an outstation is to send unsolicited messages, in addition to the fields in this section, you also have to configure the properties within the Master 1 Configuration section of the tab and, if applicable, the relevant properties on the Multiple Masters tab.

Use the fields within the Unsolicited Message Generation section of the SCADAPack tab to specify the conditions that have to be met in order for the outstation to generate an unsolicited message.

When a SCADAPack E outstation generates an unsolicited message, it sends the contents of the Event Buffer to the Geo SCADA Expert server in a single DNP3 fragment. If there are too many events to send in a single DNP3 fragment, the outstation will indicate that more events are available, by setting the appropriate DNP3 IIN bit in the unsolicited message.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022