Example Configuration

This example demonstrates how a DNP3 SCADAPack 32-bit Point Modbus Map might be used to map data to two blocks of 32-bit data: one comprising 4 analog output points and another comprising 3 analog input points. The rows correlate to registers in the Modbus slave, enabling the master to write or read the data in the SCADAPack E outstation with which the Map is associated.


In the Geo SCADA Expert database, a DNP3 SCADAPack 32-Bit Point Modbus Map is configured as follows:

The Map is associated with the relevant DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation:

The Function of the Port that the Modbus master uses to communicate with the outstation is set to Modbus Slave:

The Modbus master that reads and writes to data in the outstation uses 5-digit Modbus addressing. Its Input Registers are in the range 30001 - 39999 and its Holding Registers (including analog outputs) are in the range 40001 - 49999.

With the above configuration, the first row in the Map correlates to the analog outputs in registers 41001 to 41008, and the second row in the Map correlates to the analog inputs in registers 31001 to 31006. Each 32-bit point comprises two Words and therefore two contiguous registers. So, for instance:

  • Analog output DNP3 address 1001 mapped in row 1 corresponds to Modbus registers 41001 and 41002
  • The second analog point in row 1, analog output DNP3 address 1002, corresponds to the analog output Modbus registers 41003 and 41004

    ...and so on.

Further Information

Associated a Map with a DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation: see Configure Modbus Properties.

Assign an outstation port a specific function: see Configure the Properties of the Individual Ports.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022