Generate Configuration and Profile Files for Diagnostic Purposes

Use the Generate button on the Configuration Setup Window to:

Use the files for diagnostic purposes. For instance, use the RTU Configuration file to determine the restart level that would be required should such configuration actually be downloaded to the SCADAPack E outstation (using the outstation’s Download Configuration pick action), or to determine the configuration that would be included in such a download.

To produce a temporary copy of such file(s), select the Generate button to display the File options window. The window contains two check boxes:

Select the OK button on the File Options window to generate the file(s). The Geo SCADA ExpertConfig file (and Profile files, if applicable) are added to the list of files in the Configuration Setup window:

The temporary Geo SCADA ExpertConfig and Profile files are only available on the ViewX client on which they were created, and are deleted when the Configuration Setup window is closed. You can perform the following actions on these temporary files:

With a temporary Geo SCADA ExpertConfig file, you can also perform this action:


Geo SCADA Expert 2022