Specify Whether to Ignore an FC Not Implemented Error

When you first commission an outstation, it may have a master address that is different to the master address configured in Geo SCADA Expert. If the master addresses do not match, Geo SCADA Expert cannot normally establish communication with the outstation.To resolve this problem, Geo SCADA Expert must perform a configuration download to the outstation to correct the master address. However, to do this, Geo SCADA Expert must be able to communicate with the outstation. The Ignore FC Not Implemented Error check box provides the solution to this problem.

When you first commission an outstation, the sequence of events is as follows:

If the Enable Unsolicited Messages on Comms. Start check box (on the DNP3 tab) is selected, Geo SCADA Expert tries to establish communication with the outstation by sending a Disable Unsolicited Messages command. If the master address configured in Geo SCADA Expert doesn’t match the master address configured in the outstation, the outstation responds with a message in which the FC Not Implemented error bit is set. Geo SCADA Expert then flags that communication with the outstation has failed and will not communicate again with the outstation until the Retry interval (set on the DNP3 tab) has expired. Geo SCADA Expert then tries to establish communication again by sending another Disable Unsolicited Messages command.

However, if you select the Ignore FC Not Implemented Error check box, Geo SCADA Expert ignores the FC Not Implemented error bit set in the message sent by the outstation. Geo SCADA Expert can then establish communication with the outstation and perform a configuration download.

If you select the Ignore FC Not Implemented Error check box, you must also ensure that the Enable Unsolicited Messages on Comms. Start option (on the DNP3 tab) is selected.

If you select the Allow Automatic Download option and an outstation replies to a Disable Unsolicited Messages command by sending a message with both the FC Not Implemented and Configuration Corrupt error bits set, Geo SCADA Expert does not raise an alarm. In all other cases, if Geo SCADA Expert receives a message with the FC Not Implemented error bit set,and the configuration corrupt bit clear, it raises an alarm.


Further Information

Enable Unsolicited Message Generation in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the DNP3 Driver.

Configure Automatic Configuration Download.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022