Specify the Sample Rate and Sample Criteria

Ensure that you Define the Trend Data Sample Type before configuring the properties mentioned in this section.

When the Trend Type is set to Statistical, the outstation performs a single data sampling and analysis routine on the point’s data.

When the Trend Type is set to Current Value, the outstation can perform up to six separate sampling tasks on the point’s data. For the outstation to perform more than one sampling routine, select the Enabled check box for each additional sampling routine that is required.

For each sampling task that the outstation is to perform, use these fields to specify the sample rate and other sample criteria:

When an outstation samples point data according to the above criteria, it stores the values that fulfill the sample criteria locally at the outstation. In order to process those values in Geo SCADA Expert, the server retrieves the stored sampled data from the outstation at the Trend Retrieval rate specified on the Outstation Form (see Configure the Trend Retrieval Properties). Alternatively, the Retrieve All Trends pick action can be used to retrieve the stored sampled data from an individual outstation.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022