Miscellaneous Functions
The Miscellaneous category includes those functions that are not related to performing common mathematical functions or manipulating string values. The miscellaneous functions supported by Geo SCADA Expert are:
- ARRAYELEMENT—Returns a value from a specified element in an Array database item
- EXISTS—Checks that items referenced in arguments exist in the database before a value is returned
- HEAD—Returns the head number assigned to the Window Container in which the Mimic or Trend is being displayed
- IIF—Tests a condition and returns one of two values depending on whether the condition is true or false
- LINK—Modifies a URL returned as a property of a database item so that the URL contains the system on which the database item is stored
- LOCALE—Returns the locale of the currently logged on user as an integer value
- LOOKUP—Returns the nth expression from a set of expressions
- REGISTRY—Returns a specified value from the Windows registry
- RGB—Returns a color
- TIME—Evaluates an OPC relative time
- USERNAME—Returns the name of the user account being used by the currently logged on user.