Refresh Status

Associated with: AVEVA Historic Data Export items

Security permission required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data

Use the Refresh Status pick action to immediately update the status information received by the AVEVA Historic Data Export driver in Geo SCADA Expert from the historian server on the AVEVA application. The driver stores the status of the connection between HCAL and the historian server. It also stores the status of HCAL's store-and-forward engine (if used). The driver uses this status information to raise or clear alarms and log events. You can also view this information in the Status display (see Status Attributes that are Specific to the AVEVA Historic Data Export Driver) or on a Mimic, List, or report.

The driver first sets this information when it uses HCAL to open a connection to the historian server. Thereafter, the driver polls HCAL every minute to get the connection and store-forward statuses. It then updates the AVEVA Historic Data Export item in Geo SCADA Expert if either status has changed. It also raises or clears alarms and logs events if required.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022