Configuring a Kingfisher Outstation

For each Kingfisher outstation that exists on your system, you need to create and configure a corresponding outstation database entry within the Geo SCADA Expert database. When configuring the database, you need to select the type(s) of outstation and communications that match those of your system hardware.

The types of outstation that the Kingfisher driver supports are listed below. For further information on which type(s) of outstation are appropriate representations of your system setup, see Outstation Types and Communications Set-ups. Also see Master and Remote Outstations, and see Typical Master/Remote Scenarios.

The Kingfisher driver supports these types of outstation:

For each Kingfisher outstation on your system, you specify the outstation features using the fields on the appropriate Kingfisher Outstation Form.

Each Form has several tabs. This section covers configuration of driver-specific properties on the Kingfisher, Remote, and PSTN tabs.

Use the fields on the Kingfisher tab to:

For outstations other than Kingfisher PSTN and Remote outstations, the Kingfisher tab also includes fields to enable you to:

Use the Remote tab on the Kingfisher Remote Outstation Form to:

Kingfisher outstations that communicate via PSTN, or use PSTN fallback, can support up to 2 Dial In lines for reporting alarm data to Geo SCADA Expert. You configure the Dial In Lines on each outstation’s PSTN tab (see Define Dial In Line Properties on a PSTN Outstation). For information on the other properties on the PSTN tab, see Define an Outstation’s PSTN Properties.

The Kingfisher driver does not use ‘Heartbeating’ (a feature which is supported by shared outstations on some advanced drivers, and is specified on the Shared tab).

The fields on the other tabs are common to outstations on many advanced drivers—for information, see Tabs on Outstation Forms.

For information on the minimal amount of configuration that you can undertake to produce a functional Kingfisher Outstation in Geo SCADA Expert, see Minimum Configuration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022