The Security permission defines whether the User or User Group can access and alter the security settings of the selected item. The Security permission is used in conjunction with the Configure permission. When working with User accounts, User Groups, and Groups that contain User accounts, User Patterns or User Groups, the following rules apply:
- To configure, delete, rename, modify, or convert a User Group, User account or User Pattern, you need to have the Configure and Security permissions for that User Group, User account or User Pattern.
- To create, copy, or import a User Group, User account or User Pattern, you need to have the Configure and Security permissions for the Group or system that is to contain the new User Group, User account, or User Pattern.
- To move a User Group, User account or User Pattern, you need to have the Configure and Security permissions for both the User Group, User account or User Pattern and the target Group or system (the Group or system to where the Group, User account or User Pattern is being moved).
These rules also apply to Groups that contain User Groups, User accounts or User Patterns.
Availability: Is available to any User or User Group with the Security permission for the selected item. The Security permission cannot be restricted (you can only stop Users and User Groups from having access to the security settings by denying them the Security permission for database items on a per item basis).