Inhibit Alarms/Events (WITS Outstation)

Associated with: WITS Outstations

Security permission required to access this pick action: Disable Alarms

You can use Inhibit Alarms/Events to restrict the Field Device so that it does not report DNP3 events and/or logged events. However, an inhibit does not prevent the periodic logging of values or the reporting of current statuses or current values. Inhibits are useful when you know that a Field Device is going to generate unnecessary events, for example, during maintenance.

When you select Inhibit Alarms/Events, you can choose from:

If supported by your Field Device, you can also define a Timeout for the inhibit. The Timeout is an OPC time interval, in seconds (see OPC Time Format). If you enter 0, no Timeout is used. If you specify a Timeout, the inhibit will remain in place until:

If a Timeout is not used (or not supported) the inhibit applies until:

The View Status window for Outstations and Points shows the current inhibit status.


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