Configure the Fonts used for the Axis and Trace Labels
You can change the appearance of the font that is used for the x-axis text. You can also change the appearance of the font that is used for the trace labels. You do this using fields in the X-Axis Properties window (see Configure the X-Axis Properties).
Use the Fonts section of the window to specify the font's appearance:
- Font: Use the combo box to select the item of text for which you want to specify the properties. The options are:
- Label: Select this option to specify the font settings for the label on the selected axis.
- Trace Labels: Select this option to specify the font settings that apply to the traces' labels.
- Family: Use the combo box to select the required font family from the list of available fonts.
- Height: Use the spin box to define the size of the text in points. (Point size is the standard term used for font sizes and does not relate to database points.)
- Bold: Select the check box to embolden the text. Emboldened text appears as darker and thicker text.
Clear the check box for the text to retain its normal weight.
- Italic: Select the check box to italicize the text. When italicized, the text slants slightly, typically to the right.
Clear the check box for the text to retain its normal angle.