
Before configuring new points on a ClearSCADA system, ensure that outstation(s) exist in the database to represent the devices on which the points are located (see Configuring an Outstation).

When configuring a point, you will need to know the unique identifier for the point, and the format in which the point data is to be displayed within ClearSCADA.

If you are configuring a point that uses digital-type processing, you will need to know what the states of the point represent.

If you are configuring a point that uses analog-type processing, you will need to know the type of scaling that is required to convert the raw input value into an engineering value that ClearSCADA can process, and the range of the point. This information is typically recorded by the engineer that sets up the outstation hardware.

You need to be aware of the significance of the point’s alarms and events in relation to the entire system—this will determine the priority that you allocate to the point.

If supported by the outstation and point type, and required on your system, you will need to know whether the outstation is to log historic or significant change data for the point, and if so, the type of data or changes that are to be logged.

If you do not have access to the required information, please contact a system administrator.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3