
Throughout the documentation supplied with your ClearSCADA system, the term ‘database item’ is used to refer to any physical or internal object that you can include in your database, or any physical or internal object applicable to the context in which the term is mentioned. ‘Database items’ might include, for instance, outstations, outstation sets, communication channels, points, and timers.

The term ‘point’ is used to refer to any measuring instrument, sensor, or control device that is connected to an outstation, RTU, data logger, scanner or other such device.

The term ‘field’, when used in relation to Forms and tabs on Forms, is sometimes used as a general term to cover the various types of field that are used on Forms. This includes, for instance, check boxes, spin boxes, option buttons, combo boxes, and text entry fields. In the context of an actual field description or step-by-step procedure, the actual type of field is mentioned.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3