Open Connection

Associated with: Direct and Shared outstations for which the direct connection is available on demand rather than always online

Security permission is required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data

With an outstation on which the direct connection is available On Demand, ClearSCADA retrieves data from the outstation automatically, during the period for which communications is available to that outstation.

If required, you can also use the Open Connection pick action to retrieve data from the outstation. Use the Open Connection pick action to open the connection to the outstation and for the connection to stay online for the specified Max Online Time. The Max Online Time is defined on the Outstation Form’s Direct tab (see Specify Whether the Direct Communications Connection is Always Online or only Available on Demand).

ClearSCADA only opens the connection should the pick action be triggered during the period for which outstation communications is available. The Communications Availability period is specified on the Outstation Form’s Outstation tab (see Specify the Availability of Communications Between the Outstation and ClearSCADA). (Should an Open Connection be requested outside of the outstation’s Communications Availability, the request will be rejected.)

Also see Extend Connection, and see Close Connection.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3