Key Pos

A pie chart can have a key that indicates what each slice of the represents (as a value, percentage, label, or a combination of the three). You can use the Key Pos property to animate the key so that it is:

Typically, you would set the Key Pos on the Pie Chart Properties window and would not animate it. However, you can animate the Key Pos property if required.

You can animate the Key Pos so that the key is in a specific position or so that it changes according to the value or state of an object in the database. There are only three key positions, so the numbers you need for the expressions are:

Number for Expression Key Position







For example:

IIF( ".1 Bit Digital.AlarmState" = 4, 0, 1 )

This expression means that if the point named '1 Bit Digital' has an alarm state of 4 (that is, has an unacknowledged uncleared alarm), the key is not visible (Key Pos is 0 - None). If the point has any other alarm state, the key is positioned to the left of the pie chart (the Key Pos is 1 - Left).


ClearSCADA 2017 R3