Preparing to Upgrade ClearSCADA

Before you upgrade your ClearSCADA system, you will need to obtain the required update files. These include updates for any extensions that you may be using with your ClearSCADA system.

  1. Make a backup of your database. (This is a precautionary measure —you will only need to use your backup if a problem occurs). For information on making a backup, see ‘Back Up the Database’ in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.
  2. Get updates for any Third Party extensions that you have on your ClearSCADA system. An extension is a collection of installable features, for example, extensions are often collections of related drivers.

    You can use the Server Status Tool to find out which extensions (if any) you have installed on a ClearSCADA server. The installed extensions are listed in the General>Extensions section. You can also see information about the Version and the Publisher of each extension (see ‘Extensions’ in the ‘General System Status Information’ section of the ClearSCADA Guide to the Server Status Tool).

    For information about the extensions that are installed on a ViewX client, select the File menu followed by the Help option, and then the About option. This displays the About window. Select the Extensions tab to view a list of the extensions that are installed on the client.

    If you right-click on an extension, you may be able to access an Update Information option. This option is only available if it has been provided by the Publisher, and may provide details and download information about any available updates.

    If the Update Information option is unavailable, you should contact the Publisher. You can access the publisher’s contact details by right-clicking on the extension and then selecting Support from the context-sensitive menu.

    The Publisher may provide you with updates for the extension only. Alternatively, the extension may repackage ClearSCADA, in which case both ClearSCADA and the extension are upgraded together.

  3. Get updates for any Third Party DDK drivers (and SDK drivers) that you use on your ClearSCADA system.

    You can use the Server Status Tool to find out which DDK or SDK drivers (if any) you have installed on a ClearSCADA server. In the General>Modules section, look at the Publisher details. Those modules that are not published by Schneider Electric are Third Party drivers which may be from an extension, DDK driver or SDK driver (see ‘Modules’ in the ‘General System Status Information’ section of the ClearSCADA Guide to the Server Status Tool).

    If you right-click on a Third Party module, you will be able to access a Support option. You may also be able to access an Update Information option (this option is only available if it has been provided by the Publisher). These two options may provide information that indicates whether the driver is a DDK or SDK driver. If not, they will provide contact details which you can use to get assistance.

  4. Get updates for any Third Party applications that you use with ClearSCADA (where required).

    There may be significant differences between your current and new versions of ClearSCADA. For example, the new version may include changes to the database schema. These differences can affect any Third Party applications that you use with ClearSCADA. So you may need to update your Third Party applications to be compatible with the new version of ClearSCADA.

  5. Read the ClearSCADA release notes. These may contain important information relating to upgrading specific version of ClearSCADA you are currently running.

    You can also find useful upgrading information on the ClearSCADA installation disk. When you insert the disk and the ClearSCADA display is shown, select the Upgrading option. This displays a web page containing upgrading details and a link to the Upgrading Strategy information in the Resource Center.

  6. If your system uses WebX clients, you need to consider how the latest ActiveX control will be installed.

    If Internet Explorer is configured to allow ActiveX controls to be downloaded, the WebX client will get the latest ActiveX control from the ClearSCADA server. This takes place automatically the first time a WebX client connects to an upgraded ClearSCADA server. However, if Internet Explorer is prohibited from being able to download ActiveX controls, you will need to use the ClearSCADA DVD to upgrade each WebX client.

    You need to be aware that a WebX client is unable to connect to the system until you have installed the latest ActiveX control.

NOTE: Some publishers may re-package ClearSCADA to be part of another package. With these packages, you can use the installer for the package to install updates for ClearSCADA and the other product together.

When you have made the recommended preparation, you can proceed to install your ClearSCADA upgrade. Please refer to the section that describes your system architecture:

  1. Upgrade a ClearSCADA Server in a Lone Server Architecture.
  2. Upgrade Your ClearSCADA Clients (WebX Excluded).


  1. Upgrade ClearSCADA Servers in a Multi-Server Architecture.
  2. Upgrade Your ClearSCADA Clients (WebX Excluded).


ClearSCADA 2017 R3