Previous Interval and Next Interval

By using the Previous Interval and Next Interval tools, you can force the Trend to display the interval prior to the currently displayed interval or the interval after the currently displayed interval.

To use the Previous Interval and Next Interval tools on a Trend:

  1. Display a Trend in Run Mode.
  2. Either:
    • Select the Previous Interval command or the Next Interval command from the Navigation group on the ribbon's Home tab.


    • Right-click on the X-Axis and select the Previous Interval option or Next Interval option from the context-sensitive menu.


    • Press the F3 function key for the Next Interval tool or hold down the SHIFT key and press the F3 function key for the Previous Interval tool.
  3. Repeat step 2 as often as required.


A Trend is displayed and it has 1 hour shown on the X-Axis. The first time on the X-Axis is 10.25 and the last time on the X-Axis is 11.25.

Previous and Next Interval Example

The Previous Interval tool is used and the Trend displays the hour prior to the current hour: the X-Axis starts at 09.25 and ends at 10:25.

Trend showing previous interval

The Previous Interval tool is used again and the Trend displays the hour prior to the currently displayed hour: theX-Axis starts at 08.25 and ends at 09.25.

The Next Interval tool is used and the Trend displays the hour after the currently displayed hour: the X-Axis starts at 09.25 and ends at 10.25.

The Next Interval tool is used again which causes the X-Axis to display the original time scale again (10.25 - 11.25).

Back to the original interval


ClearSCADA 2017 R3