Context-Sensitive Help

ViewX provides a context-sensitive help feature that allows you to display help information about the display that you are currently using in ClearSCADA. When you use context-sensitive help, there is no need to navigate the ClearSCADA Help contents or perform a search; ViewX finds the relevant information for you automatically and displays it in the ClearSCADA Help browser window.

Context-sensitive help is available for many ClearSCADA displays.

To access context-sensitive Help:

  1. In ViewX, select the part of the display for which you need information.
  2. Press the F1 function key.
    The relevant ClearSCADA Help file is displayed automatically.

Context-sensitive help is displayed in the ClearSCADA Help window. After you have used context-sensitive help to access help information, you can then use the ClearSCADA Help window to locate other information as required (see ClearSCADA Help).

Context-sensitive help is also available for administrative tools, such as the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool, and the ClearSCADA Server Status Tool. Locate the section of the tool for which you require help, and then press the F1 function key to display the context-sensitive help for that section.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3