Specify the Properties that are Associated with Tag Names

Use the fields within the Tag Names section of the Wonderware Historian tab to specify the properties that are associated with tag names.

When you configure a new ClearSCADA point or accumulator for historical data storage, ClearSCADA will automatically use HCAL to create a new tag in Wonderware Historian when it exports the first data (see Wonderware Historian Tags).

If you change the Prefix, then ClearSCADA will only apply the new Prefix to points or accumulators to which you have not yet exported any data or that you subsequently create. All existing points or accumulators will continue to use the old tag Prefix . Therefore, we recommend that you do not put the Wonderware Historian database item 'in service' until you have specified the required Prefix.

Likewise, if you enable or disable the Aggregate Name Suffix, then ClearSCADA will only include or exclude the Aggregate Name Suffix on points or accumulators to which you have not yet exported any data or that you subsequently create. All existing points or accumulators will continue to use the Aggregate Name Suffix setting that applied at the time that data was first exported for those points and accumulators. Therefore, we recommend that you do not put the Wonderware Historian database item 'in service' until you have specified the required Aggregate Name Suffix setting.

You can display the tag name of each point or accumulator by using the Status display (see Status Displays in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients and see Find a Wonderware Historian Tag Name in ClearSCADA).

Further Information

Wonderware Historian Tags.

Examples that demonstrate how the content of a tag name differs, depending on whether the Prefix and Aggregate Name Suffix are used: see Wonderware Historian Tags.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3