Configure the Display Settings for Graphical Logic Programs

You can adjust the display settings of graphical Logic Programs. This includes the following program types:

The display settings allow you to adjust the size and orientation of the page on which a program is displayed. You can also display a grid on the page to assist with the alignment of objects, and enable the Snap to Grid feature.

To adjust the display settings for a graphical Logic Program:

  1. Display the Logic Program.
  2. Select the Logic tab on the ViewX ribbon.
  3. Select theDisplay Settingscommand in the View command group.
    The Display Settings dialog appears.

  4. Select the Units of measurement that you would like to use for the fields on the Display Settings dialog.
  5. In the Page section, select the page Type (based on a standard size and orientation), or define a custom size using the Width and Height fields.
  6. In the Grid section, use the Width and Height fields specify the dimensions of the grid intervals.
  7. To display the grid, select the Show Grid check box. Clear the check box to hide the grid.
  8. To allow objects on the page to automatically align with the grid, select the Snap to Grid check box. Clear the check box to disable the Snap to Grid feature.
  9. To display the boundaries of a page, select the Show Page Breaks check box. This is useful if a diagram extends beyond the dimensions of a single page. Clear the check box to hide the page breaks.

The display settings for a Logic program are configured independently for Design mode and Run mode.

Further Information

Ladder Diagram Display

Function Block Diagram Display

Display a Sequential Function Chart.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3