Specify Whether a Set Uses Unique Modbus Addressing

Unique Modbus Addressing does not apply to PSTN sets.

Use the Unique Modbus Addressing check box on the Modbus tab to specify whether the controllers associated with a set need to have a unique Modbus Address.

This check box can only be cleared if the channel associated with a set uses TCP Protocol Type (see Specify the Required Modbus Protocol and Packet Size).

The Modbus TCP standard specifies that a unique Modbus Address is not required for a device, as the TCP/IP address can be used for identification.

Select the check box if Unique Modbus Addressing is to be maintained for Modbus TCP controllers associated with the set. For example, if a Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU converter is being used.

Clear the check box if Unique Modbus Addressing is not required for these devices.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020