Define the Data Polling Intervals
With Trio radios other than D Series, you can configure up to 4 'normal rate' polling intervals, and up to 4 'promoted rate' polling intervals per radio. You use the polling intervals to define the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert polls the radio for diagnostics data. By associating different polling intervals with different points on the radio, you can configure Geo SCADA Expert to scan for some types of diagnostic data at different rates to other diagnostics data on the same radio.
D Series radios have limited functionality compared with other supported series of Trio radios. You can only configure 1 'normal rate' and 1 'promoted rate' polling interval on a D Series radio.
To configure the required polling rates, you use the Polling Intervals section of the Radio tab:
- Normal 1 to Normal 4—Enter the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert usually polls the radio for data. Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value.
(With a D Series radio, you can only populate the Normal 1 field.)
- Promoted 1 to Promoted 4—You can configure Geo SCADA Expert to temporarily increase the rate at which it polls for data whenever the relevant points are displayed on a client. Such promotion is specified using the Promote when Displaying Points check box (see Define Whether an Outstation is Promoted While its Points are on Display). (You can manually promote scanning using the radio's Promote Scanning pick action—see Temporarily Increasing the Scan Rate in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.)
Use the required Promoted field(s) to specify the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert is to poll the radio for data whenever the relevant points are displayed on a client. Each Promoted frequency replaces the corresponding Normal frequency while scanning is promoted on the radio. Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value.
(With a D Series radio, you can only populate the Promoted 1 field.)
On the configuration Form of each point that is associated with the radio, use the Retrieval Interval field to specify the polling interval (1 to 4) that Geo SCADA Expert is to use for that particular point (see Configure the Common Point Properties). (With points on D Series radios, only Retrieval Interval 1 is valid.)
You can also assign a Scan Group to each point (see Configure the Common Point Properties). If required, you can use the Scan Group to provide confidence that the point's data is still up-to-date, even if the point's value has not changed for some time in the radio (however, do be aware that by using Scan Groups, this will result in additional updates to the database, so you should consider whether such additional updates are required). If used, whenever a Scan Group interval expires, Geo SCADA Expert will attempt to scan the radio for the data of those points to which that particular Scan Group applies. To avoid unnecessary additional polling of the radio, we recommend that you configure a point's Scan Group interval so that it is a multiple of the point's Retrieval Interval.