Introduction to the Advanced Trio Diagnostics Driver

This driver is an advanced driver. It provides additional functionality to enable Geo SCADA Expert to interface with specific supported devices using a particular protocol. To interact successfully with such devices, you need to:

Intended Audience

This guide is designed for use by engineers who are responsible for configuring Advanced Trio Diagnostics features and items in the Geo SCADA Expert database. It can also be used by system administrators when investigating the cause of unexpected behavior relating to the Advanced Trio Diagnostics driver.

Document Scope

The Geo SCADA Expert Advanced Trio Diagnostics driver documentation explains how to configure Advanced Trio Diagnostics specific features and items in the Geo SCADA Expert database (see Configure the Server to Retrieve Trio Radio Diagnostics).

The guide also provides information about:

Geo SCADA Expert's Advanced Trio Diagnostics driver provides additional functionality to enable Geo SCADA Expert to communicate with a network of Trio radios. The driver enables Geo SCADA Expert to interrogate each Trio radio on the radio network for diagnostics data. The type of diagnostics data that Geo SCADA Expert can retrieve from each radio varies, depending on the radio series and the type of radio unit. Geo SCADA Expert can communicate directly or indirectly with a variety of Trio radio units across the radio network. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

For any Trio Diagnostics information not included in this guide, see the documentation supplied with your Trio radio equipment.

NOTE: There are no driver-specific pick actions for database items on this particular driver. However, users with the required privileges can add custom pick actions to a database item by using the User Methods tab on the relevant configuration Form (see Using the User Methods Tab to Define Custom Actions in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration). See a system administrator for the documentation associated with such custom actions (also known as ‘methods’).


Geo SCADA Expert 2020