Minimum Configuration
As a minimum, you need to configure the following for each DNP3 channel:
- Any Pre/Post-Amble message strings
- For channels that have a Serial Connection, the port to which the channel is connected
- For channels that have a Remote Serial Connection, the host name of the machine that is running the Port Server application, and the port to which the channel is connected
- For channels that have a TCP/IP Connection, the TCP/IP Type, the host address and the port to which the channel is connected
- For channels that have a Network Connection, the TCP/IP type. (Network configuration is not applicable to PSTN channels.)
- The Telephone number (PSTN channels only).
You also need to put the channel In Service if you want the channel to be functional (online), and you will need to save the configuration.
Applying these minimum requirements will provide a functional DNP3 channel that uses the default configuration settings.