Disable Alarm Reporting
Associated with: DNP3 SCADAPack points, pulse actions, DNP3 SACADAPack E outstations and DNP3 SCADAPack Remote E outstations.
Security permission required to access this pick action: Disable Alarms
Use the Disable Alarm Reporting pick action to:
- Disable alarm reporting on, for instance, a faulty sensor
- Request that the outstation ceases to generate events for the point (and so reduce system load by ceasing to report events for that point)
- Disable alarms on the point in Geo SCADA Expert. For information on the effect this has in Geo SCADA Expert, see Disable Alarms in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Alarms.
On a PSTN outstation, use this pick action to trigger Geo SCADA Expert to dial out to the outstation, and request that event generation is disabled for this point.
The point or pulse action’s Alarm Reporting status attribute indicates whether alarm reporting is currently disabled on that item.