Setup a SCADAPack ES Outstation

The figure below shows a typical SCADAPack ES outstation with the cover removed.

In order to successfully complete this Quick Start Tutorial, you need to perform the following actions to prepare the SCADAPack ES outstation:

  1. Use two lengths of insulated copper wire to connect analog output 4 of the SCADAPack ES outstation to analog input 12.

    Make sure you match the +ve and -ve terminals.

  2. Connect the Geo SCADA Expert server to Port 1 of the SCADAPack ES outstation using the RS-232 9-Pin D-Sub to the RJ12 Serial Cable.
  3. Unscrew the four thumb-screws and remove the casing of the SCADAPack ES outstation.
  4. Put the SCADAPack ES outstation in FC mode. Set the first hex switch to F and the 2nd hex switch to C. (When a new SCADAPack ES outstation is shipped, it will usually be shipped in FC mode.)
  5. Power up the SCADAPack ES outstation.
  6. Wait until the SCADAPack ES outstation has completed its start-up sequence. You can monitor the start-up sequence by watching the Run LED. At the end of the start-up sequence, the Run LED will flash rapidly for about one second and then start flashing steadily at one-and-a-half seconds on, one-and-a-half seconds off.
  7. Remove power to the SCADAPack ES outstation.
  8. Put the SCADAPack ES outstation in 00 mode (both hex switches in the 0 position).
  9. Do not power up the SCADAPack ES outstation yet.

For more information on setting up a SCADAPack ES outstation, refer to the SCADAPack ES product documentation.

Now Create the Geo SCADA Expert Database Items that you require for this tutorial.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020