Specify the Type of Analog Point that is being Controlled
This topic only applies to EtherNet/IP Analog Points that are configured to operate as output points (in order to control plant). For more information, see Configure Analog Points.
When you control an EtherNet/IP analog point, you have to specify the type of data item that exists on the controller.
Use the Type combo box on the Control tab to select the type of point that is being controlled.
If the specified type of the analog point does not match that of the data item on the controller, the control action will fail.
The control action will also fail if the value at which the point is being controlled is too high for that type of data item. For example, a signed 8-bit integer has a range of -128 to +127. So, an attempt to control a point with this type to -129 or +128 would fail.