Dual-Purpose Modbus Master/Modbus Slave

Where a third-party server uses the Modbus protocol to obtain data from Geo SCADA Expert, and Geo SCADA Expert uses the Modbus protocol to obtain its data from a PLC, Geo SCADA Expert becomes dual-purpose, with regard to Modbus functionality. When communicating with the third-party server, Geo SCADA Expert acts as a Modbus Slave, and when communicating with the PLC, Geo SCADA Expert acts as a Modbus Master.

In this scenario, you need to configure both a Modbus Master, and a Modbus Slave configuration suite. You also need to check that Geo SCADA Expert is running both the Simple Modbus driver and the Modbus Slave driver.

To configure Geo SCADA Expert so that it can communicate as a Master, see Configuring Modbus Devices in Geo SCADA Expert.

To configure Geo SCADA Expert so that it can communicate as a Slave, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Modbus Slave Driver.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020