Alert Notifications
The Analog Point tab on the Forms of protocol-specific SCADAPack x70 Analog items contains an Alert Clear Value Deadband field. This field determines when a transgressed limit alert is cleared.
The field is 'grayed out' as its value is determined by a combination of the same-named field on the associated Configuration item (see Specify the Alert Notification Requirements) and any scaling that has been applied.
The Alert Clear Value Deadband value that is shown in the Alert Notification section is specified as an engineering unit (floating point) value. The value takes into account any Master Station Scaling (see Specify the Scaling Applied by Geo SCADA Expert). Geo SCADA Expert applies the defined Multiplier to the Alert Clear Value Deadband value from the Configuration item and then displays the resulting value in the Alert Notifications section on the analog point's Analog Point tab.
When you configure the value of the Alert Clear Value Deadband on the Configuration Item, the Alert Clear Value Deadband field on the associated protocol-specific Analog item inherits that value.
However, the inherited Alarm Clear Value Deadband field is scaled into the same engineering units as the point by applying the Multiplier in the Scaling section of the Analog Point tab.
For example, if the Analog Point is temperature, and you are converting the value of 10 degrees Celsius in the Configuration item to Fahrenheit in the Analog Point, it requires a Multiplier value of 1.8. The Alert Clear Value Deadband field in the Analog Point tab then inherits the scaled value of 18 degrees Fahrenheit.
The inherited Alert Clear Value Deadband comprises the product of the value of the Alert Clear Value Deadband from the Configuration Item multiplied by the value of the Multiplier field.