SCADAPack x70

Configure Object Associations for a Slave Device

This section allows you to configure the associations for status and control configuration items. For each association you can use the browse button to display a Reference browse window and then select the required entry from the window.

Poll Count

Select the analog configuration item that is used to monitor the number of successful polls of this remote device.

Poll Response Error Count

Select the analog configuration item that is used to monitor the number of unsuccessful polls (poll requests that the SCADAPack x70 has sent to this remote device, but that have not resulted in a successful poll).

Communications Status

The current state of communications with the DNP3 Slave. We recommend that you configure and use this property to monitor the communications status of the slave device (see Configure Geo SCADA Expert to Communicate with, and Monitor the Status of, Downstream Slave Devices).

Unsolicited Response Count

Select the analog configuration item that is used to monitor the number of unsolicited messages that the SCADAPack x70 has received from this remote device.

To reset the Poll Count, Poll Response Error Count, or Unsolicited Response Count from Geo SCADA Expert, configure a SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Analog Output configuration item in the database and use that to control the counter value to zero (or whichever value is required).

Last Reported Internal Indication Flag

Select the analog configuration item that indicates the latest slave device IIN value to be received by the SCADAPack x70.

Poll n Countdown Timer

Select the analog configuration item in the Poll 1 Countdown Timer to Poll 4 Countdown Timer fields that are used to indicate the time left, in seconds, before the SCADAPack x70 sends specific poll requests to this slave device. Each countdown is for the corresponding poll that is represented by the Poll Rate 1 to Poll Rate 4 fields, in the Data Concentrator Polling section of the tab (see Configure the Data Concentrator Polling). The type of poll undertaken differs, depending on the specified poll Type.

Put Device In Service

The binary configuration item that controls scanning of this slave device by the DNP3 Master. The SCADAPack x70 polls the slave device whenever this configuration item has a value of 1. Controlling the configuration item to a value of 0 will cause polling to stop.

Force Event Poll

Select the digital configuration item associated with the NULL Pulse Action that is used to trigger a Class 1, 2, and 3 event poll of this slave device. A positive pulse triggers the poll.

Force Integrity Poll

Select the digital configuration item associated with the NULL Pulse Action that is used to trigger an Integrity poll of this slave device. A positive pulse triggers the poll.

Force Warm Restart

Select the digital configuration item associated with the NULL Pulse Action that is used to trigger a Warm Reset request. A positive pulse triggers the request.

Force Cold Restart

Select the digital configuration item associated with the NULL Pulse Action that is used to trigger a Cold Reset request. A positive pulse triggers the request.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020