Configure the Properties on the NULL Tab
The configuration Forms of SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Pulse Action (NULL) items include a NULL tab. You use the tab to configure the properties that relate to the Pulse Action's single NULL action.
The Severity, Description, and Area of Interest fields are common to pulse actions on many drivers—for information, see Define the Actions that a Pulse Undertakes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Point Configuration. Fields that are specific to SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Pulse Action (NULL) items are explained below.
- DNP3 Point Number—This field displays the DNP3 point number that uniquely identifies the digital output in the SCADAPack x70 device to which Geo SCADA Expert is to send the pulse action.
The field is populated automatically with the DNP3 Point Number that is assigned to the SCADAPack x70 Digital Configuration item with which the Pulse Action is associated. (You use the Pulse Action's SCADAPack x70 Object field to specify the association (see below).)
(If you have not re-opened this configuration Form since using the Form's SCADAPack x70 Object field to associate this Pulse Action with the relevant Configuration item, you may need to refresh the Form in order for this field to display its inherited value. Likewise, if the inherited value is changed on that Configuration item's Form while this Pulse Action Form remains open, you might also need to refresh this Form to display the updated inherited value. To do this, save the configuration changes.)
- On Time—Specify how long each pulse should remain on. Use this parameter in conjunction with the Off Time (see below), and Pulse Count (see Configure the Properties on the Pulse Action Tab) to define the complete pulse action. For an illustrated example, see Pulse Control Example in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value. For example, 5S (for 5 seconds).
- Off Time—Specify how long each pulse should remain off before it is pulsed on again. Use this parameter in conjunction with the On Time (see above), and Pulse Count (see Configure the Properties on the Pulse Action Tab) to define the complete pulse action. For an illustrated example, see Pulse Control Example in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the DNP3 Driver.
Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value. For example, 0.001S (for 1 millisecond).
- SCADAPack x70 Object—Use to specify the SCADAPack x70 Digital Configuration item with which this Pulse Action is associated. The Digital Configuration item is used to store the configuration that you can download to the SCADAPack x70 device (whereas the SCADAPack x70 DNP3 Pulse Action item is used to define how Geo SCADA Expert processes the pulse action data). The two database items form an 'object-pair' that together represent the digital output to which Geo SCADA Expert is to send pulse controls on a SCADAPack x70 device.
When this field is populated, the Pulse Action inherits the DNP3 Point Number that is assigned to the Digital Configuration item (see above).
Use the browse button to display a Reference browse window and then select the required entry from the window. The entries are restricted to SCADAPack x70 Digital Configuration items that:
- Are associated with the same SCADAPack x70 device as the Pulse Action
- Are configured to represent a digital output (by having their DNP3 Static Group and Variation property set to a Binary Output option (see Specify the DNP3 Static Group and Variation)).