Minimum Configuration - Configuration Items
This topic relates to Analog, Digital, and Counter Configuration Items on the SCADAPack x70 driver.
When you add an item to the database, various properties on the item's configuration Form are assigned a value automatically. These default values are assigned on creation of the database item, to help reduce the amount of manual configuration that is required. As such, you only need configure a subset of the properties that exist on an item's configuration Form. Typically, the properties you have to configure include:
- Those properties that require a value, but for which the property field is blank
- Those properties for which the value needs to differ from the default.
For an Analog, Digital, or Counter Configuration item on this driver to be capable of functioning in Geo SCADA Expert, as a minimum you have to specify these properties on that item's configuration Form (the properties are on the SCADAPack x70 tab unless stated otherwise):
- The SCADAPack x70 Device Configuration item with which the Configuration item is associated
- The unique Name of the item
- If the item is to be used in a SCADAPack x70 Logic application that customizes the SCADAPack x70 device operation, the required Logic settings
- If the item is an Analog Configuration item:
- The Alarm Limits
- Any Scaling that is required in the SCADAPack x70 device
- The Out of Range Limits.
- If the item is a Counter Configuration item, the High Limit for the item's Event Attributes
- If the Analog or Digital Configuration item is to map to system data on a SCADAPack x70 device:
- The Mapping requirements (Mapping tab).
- If the Analog, Digital, or Counter Configuration item is on a Slave device from which the SCADAPack x70 device requests data:
- The Mapping requirements (Mapping tab).
- If Geo SCADA Expert or another SCADA master is to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 device using the DNP3 protocol, in order to retrieve, or set the value of, the item's data:
- The DNP3 Point Number (DNP3 tab)
- The relevant Master Point Data Class (DNP3 tab).
- If another SCADA master is to communicate with the SCADAPack x70 device using the Modbus protocol, in order to retrieve, or set the value of, the item's data:
- The Modbus Register to which the Configuration item's values are to be mapped in the SCADAPack x70 device (Modbus tab)
- The Modbus Data Type (Modbus tab).
Also ensure that the database items on which the Configuration item depends are In Service, and have saved, valid configuration. This will produce a Configuration item that is capable of functioning using the default configuration settings.
Remember that if Geo SCADA Expert is to monitor data on, or send controls to, the SCADAPack x70 device, you also need to configure the appropriate protocol-specific SCADAPack x70 Points in the database (see Points and Configuration Items Supported by the Driver).