Specify any Periodic Event Generation Requirements
The SCADAPack x70 tab on the Forms of SCADAPack x70 Analog and Counter Configuration items contains a Periodic Event Generation section. Use the section to specify whether the SCADAPack x70 device is to generate and store events for point data at regular intervals, in addition to generating and storing events, for example, for a change of value or state. For more information about the feature, see Periodic Event Generation.
The Periodic Event Generation section includes these properties:
- Enabled—Select this check box for the SCADAPack x70 device to generate and store events for the point periodically in addition to generating events for other occurrences, such as state changes. When enabled, the rest of the fields in the section become available for use.
If Geo SCADA Expert is to store the periodic data in its historian, the relevant functionality has to be enabled on the Form of the protocol-specific Point with which this SCADAPack x70 Configuration item is associated:
- The Historic feature has to be enabled on the Point
- The Point's Historic Data Filter has to be set to a suitable option.
Clear the check box if the SCADAPack x70 device is not to generate events for the point, or is only to generate events for point activity (such as value or state changes) as it occurs. The rest of the fields in the section will be 'grayed out' and unavailable for use.
- Rate—Use to specify how often the SCADAPack x70 device generates events for the point. Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value.
- Offset—Use to specify the start time for periodic event generation, as an offset from the start of the week (00:00:00 UTC Monday morning). Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value.
- Reset Period—This property is only displayed for Counters. Use to define the frequency with which the Counter's value is reset automatically in the SCADAPack x70 device. The device generates an event to record the Counter's current value prior to performing the reset. Enter the required interval in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval window (accessed via the field's browse button) to specify the required value. Specify a value of 0 if the Counter value is not to be reset on a periodic basis.
Regardless of this property's setting, if supported by the communications protocol and type of Point with which this Counter Configuration item is associated, users might be able to reset the counter's value manually. To do so, the Initialize feature has to be enabled on the protocol-specific Point with which this Counter Configuration item is associated; additionally the user must have the relevant access and security permissions to be able to trigger the initialization.
To generate an event every 15 minutes, from 5 minutes past the hour:
Rate: 15M
Offset: 5M
The same configuration for a Counter for which the value is to be reset once an hour:
Rate: 15M
Offset: 5M
Reset Period: 1H