Define the Dynacard Poll Intervals
Use these fields on the SE RPC tab to specify the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert retrieves dynacard data from the controller.
With each field, enter the interval in the OPC Time Format, or specify 0 to disable automatic polling.
- Dynacard Poll Interval—Use this field to specify the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert retrieves the latest stroke dynacard data from the controller. The interval defines the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert retrieves the latest stroke data for the four types of dynacard that the controller supports (Surface, Downhole, Torque, and Motor Frequency).
- Historic Dynacard Poll Interval—Use this field to specify the frequency with which Geo SCADA Expert retrieves historic dynacard data from the controller. Historic Dynacard data comprises data that the controller has stored historically for the four types of dynacard, rather than the latest stroke data. Dynacard data that the controller has stored historically might comprise:
- Data for the last 5 strokes
- Data for the 5 strokes preceding the last 2 shutdowns
- Data for the first stroke after the pump was last restarted
- Data for the first stroke after the pump was first controlled following the last restart.
If required, you can use the following pick actions between, or as an alternative to, scheduled polls:
- The Force Poll for Current Dynacard pick action to upload current dynacard data
- The Upload Historic Dynacard pick action to upload historic dynacard data.
For more information, see Actions that are Specific to the SE RPC Driver.