Configuring TBox String Points
A String Point in the Geo SCADA Expert database is used to represent a property that has a text string value, rather than a numeric value. On TBox RTUs, this value is not tied to any external value, so it is used for any string that the engineer configuring the RTU might decide. For example, it could be used for device identification, or a program could run on the TBox RTU and present a result (such as a state) in this value.
Configure the properties for each TBox String Point using the fields on the TBox String Point Form. For information on the fields on other tabs, see Tabs on Point Forms in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.
Use the fields on the tab to Configure Common Point Properties.
The following properties are specific to String Points:
- Length of String to Request: Specify the maximum acceptable string length, in the range 1 to 247 characters inclusive
- Confirm: Use this option to specify whether an operator who changes the value of the string sees a request to confirm the new value before the change is carried out (see Requesting Confirmation of Action Requests in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration).