Configuring a TBox Outstation Set

An Outstation Set is a group of outstations that share the same channel(s). For further information on outstation sets, see Configuring an Outstation Set in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.

TBox supports the following types of outstation set:

You need to be aware of the hardware setup on your system, as you need to configure the outstation sets that correspond to the type of communications used by the outstations in your system, and the channel(s) that those outstations use.

Before you configure an outstation set, configure the channels required by the outstations in the set (see Configuring a TBox Channel).

Configure the outstation set before you add the outstations to that set.

There are no driver-specific properties for TBox outstation sets. For information on configuring properties on the TBox Outstation Sets, see Configuring an Outstation Set in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.

Minimum Configuration

For a TBox Outstation Set to be capable of functioning, you need to specify the minimum settings for an outstation set: see Minimum Configuration in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers.



Geo SCADA Expert 2020