Enable the Wonderware Alarm Provider Driver

When you first install the Wonderware Alarm Provider driver, you need to enable the driver on the server by using the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool (see Configuring Advanced Driver Server Settings). This section describes the driver-specific setting.

If you make configuration changes on a Geo SCADA Expert server, you also need to make the same changes on any other Geo SCADA Expert servers on your system. This is because the servers need to have matching configuration settings. You should not enable the driver on Permanent Standby servers.



The Wonderware Alarm Provider driver should only be enabled when Wonderware InTouch is configured to connect to Geo SCADA Expert. The driver creates a cache when in use and this can become large if Wonderware InTouch is not connected and removing alarms from the cache. The growth of the cache can severely affect the performance of the system. You should disable the Wonderware Alarm Provider driver if it is not being used.
Failure to follow these instructions can impact adversely on system performance.


Geo SCADA Expert 2020