View the Flow Computer Details
These fields are displayed at the top of the Realflo tab:
- Flow Computer ID—A string that uniquely identifies the Flow Computer’s components on a Realflo-enabled SCADAPack controller. The ID comprises any combination of up to eight characters.
In order for the Geo SCADA Expert server to read the ID into the Geo SCADA Expert database and communicate successfully with the controller’s Realflo components, you need to Specify the User ID and Passcode that Allow Access to the Realflo Components.
The Flow Computer ID is then read into Geo SCADA Expert when the server successfully establishes communications with the controller.
The Event Table and User Table fields on the tab are ‘grayed out’ and unavailable for use. These fields are reserved for future use.
Further Information
Specify the User ID and Passcode that Allow Access to the Realflo Components.