Display a List of Property Changes

If the Configuration Changes Auditing feature is enabled on your system, you can use the Display Property Changes pick action to display a Queries List showing details of the property changes that have been made on your system. You can display a List showing the property changes that have occurred on your system over a defined time-period, or you can display a List that is filtered to show the property changes that apply to a specific item or Group. In each case, you select the Display Property Changes pick action from the relevant context sensitive menu to display the List. For information on displaying the menu, see Object Menu in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients.

To display a List of configuration changes that have been made to a particular Group, including the items in that group and any subgroups, select that Group’s Display Property Changes pick action.

To display a List of configuration changes that have been made to an individual database item, select that item’s Display Property Changes pick action.

To display a List of configuration changes that have been made to an individual property (field) on a configuration Form, select that field’s Display Property Changes pick action on the configuration Form. (To do this, right-click on the field to display a context sensitive menu, then select the Display Property Changes option.)

As with other Lists, the Property Change History List consists of rows and columns. Each row represents an individual configuration property change entry, and each column contains information about a specific value for that configuration change.

The Property Change History List contains these columns:

As with other Queries Lists, you can perform a variety of activities on the Property Change History List, using options on the List’s context sensitive menu. For more information, see Display and Use Lists in the Guide to Lists.

Example 1:

A user assigns a ‘custom’ color to an analog point’s Full Scale Limit:

When the Color field is selected on the point’s Form, the name that is assigned to that particular property is displayed in the Status Bar:

This is the Name that is assigned to that property in the database, as shown on the database Schema:

The entry for the property change is displayed in the Property Change History List. The Field Name column shows the name that is assigned to that property in the database:

Example 2:

A user changes a point’s Confirm Disable/Enable property from ‘Always’ to ‘Always w/ Password’:

The property is displayed as a combo box on the point’s configuration Form. With such properties, ClearSCADA stores each property value as a number in the database.

As such, the property’s Old Value and New Value appear as numbers in the Property Change History List:

The value to which each number relates can be ascertained by looking at the property’s entry in the database Schema:

Further Information

Using the database Schema: see Working with the Database Schema in the ClearSCADA Guide to the Database.

Example 3:

A ClearSCADA system has a series of Group Instances that reference a particular Group Template. An engineer adds an Abstract PSTN outstation to the Group Template. ClearSCADA automatically replicates the addition of the PSTN outstation in each of the Group Instances that reference the Group Template.

In the Group Template, the engineer changes the value of the outstation’s Retries property to 3 from the default of 2. ClearSCADA automatically replicates the change in each of the Group Instances that reference the Group Template.

The Property Change History List is displayed. In the List, the Origin of the configuration change is shown as Configuration Form for the Group Template entry and Template Propagation for the Group Instance entries:

In the Group Template, the engineer converts the Abstract PSTN outstation to a driver-specific type of PSTN outstation. When ClearSCADA converts the outstation from one type to another, any properties that are supported by both types of outstation retain their existing settings. As such, the outstation’s Retries property retains its value of 3. As the Retries property is assigned a value other than the default, this is deemed to be a configuration change and is shown as such in the Property Change History List. In this case, the Origin of the configuration change is shown as Object Conversion:

The List also includes any other outstation properties that are assigned non-default values as a result of the outstation being converted from one type to another.

Further Information

Group Templates and Group Instances

Abstract Item

Converting a Database Item

Settings for Configuration Changes Auditing.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3