
Associated with: DNP3 status points and DNP3 master outstations.

Security permission required to access this pick action: Retrieve Data

The Refresh pick action on DNP3 devices is different from that on other drivers (see Refresh in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Drivers). It has different effects on DNP3 status points and DNP3 master outstations.

Refresh for Status Points

Geo SCADA Expert typically retrieves DNP3 Status Point data using a DNP3 Level 3 Scan (see Configuring DNP3 Status Points). If required, you can use the Refresh pick action to scan for Status Point data on demand.

Use the Refresh pick action on a Status Points item to generate a Level 3 request for the status values. The data is retrieved during the next scan of the outstation on which the Status Points are located, regardless of whether the data has changed.

Refresh for Master Outstations

Usually integrity polls are performed periodically (see Specify When Geo SCADA Expert Performs Integrity Polls). The Refresh pick action enables you to perform an integrity poll without waiting for the next scheduled integrity poll.

Use the Refresh pick action on a DNP3 Outstation item to request a DNP3 integrity poll of the outstation.

For a description of integrity polling, see DNP3 Integrity and Data Classes


Geo SCADA Expert 2019