View a File in a SCADAPack E Outstation’s Configuration

Use the View button on the Configuration Setup Window to view a file stored in the SCADAPack E outstation.

To view a file, select the file’s entry in the Configuration Setup window and then select View.

For IEC 61131-3 Target 3 files, a summary of the IEC 61131-3 Target 3 application is displayed in an IEC 61131-3 Information window.

For IEC 61131-3 Target 5 files, a summary of the IEC 61131-3 Target 5 archive is displayed in an IEC 61131 V5 Information window. The Number of Files in I5P Archive (10 files in the illustration below) includes the meta data file which provides details of the archive content.

For most other types of file, the file content is displayed in a text View window. When a large file, such as an RTU Configuration file, is displayed, its content may overrun the View window. Use the window’s scroll bars to view other parts of the file.


You cannot edit a file in the View window. To edit a file, see Edit a File in a SCADAPack E Outstation’s Configuration.

You cannot view Profile or Binary files (see Supported File Types) in ViewX. To view these types of file, Export them (see Export a File from a SCADAPack E Outstation’s Configuration) and view them in an external application.


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