Supported Message Formats

The MQTT JSON Schema A driver supports two message formats. In order for Geo SCADA Expert to process the data that it retrieves using the MQTT protocol and the MQTT JSON Schema A driver, the topics to which Geo SCADA Expert subscribes have to use these message formats. Additionally, an MQTT JSON Schema A Point of the appropriate type (analog, digital, or counter) has to exist in the database for each item of data that Geo SCADA Expert is to process from each message. Each Point has to be configured, amongst other things, to reference the name of the tag (item of data) that it represents.

MQTT JSON Schema A message content has to be enclosed in braces { } .

Each message always includes a timestamp. The timestamp is an integer, for which the value comprises the UNIX Epoch time in seconds. As part of the data processing, Geo SCADA Expert applies an offset to this timestamp, to convert the time into UTC. You specify the required offset using the 'Reported time offset from UTC' field on properties Form of the relevant MQTT JSON Schema A Device database item. (The Device item that represents the device that published the message.)

With the MQTT driver and extension drivers, 'time' and 'status' are reserved words. As such, 'time' and 'status' cannot be used for tag names.

Tag names are case-sensitive.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019