Import Image

Associated with: WITS Firmware Images.

Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure.

To store a Field Device's firmware image in the Geo SCADA Expert database:.

  1. In Geo SCADA Expert, create and configure a WITS Firmware Image item (see Configuring a WITS Firmware Image). This database item will be used to represent, and store, the firmware update.
  2. Import the firmware file into the Firmware Image item. To do this, right-click on the WITS Firmware Image item and select Import Image. Browse to the location of the firmware file at the prompt.
  3. Check that the firmware has been imported by right-clicking on the Firmware Image item and selecting View Status. On the View Status dialog box, look for the Image File entry. This should match the image file you imported.
  4. Associate the Firmware Image item with the appropriate WITS Outstation(s). To do this, display the Outstation Form and use the Image setting on the WITS tab.
  5. Save the WITS Outstation Form. You can now download the firmware from Geo SCADA Expert to your Field Device (see Download Firmware). You can also export the firmware file for use in an external program (see Export Image).


Geo SCADA Expert 2019