Scanning (WITS Pulse Action)

Associated with: WITS Pulse Actions.


The Scanning attribute shows whether the individual pulse action is On Scan or Off Scan.

You can take a Field Device and a pulse action Off Scan separately. Therefore, the attribute also shows if the source of the Off Scan is the Field Device, the Field Device and the pulse action or just the pulse action.

The possible states are as follows:


When a pulse action is On Scan, the Field Device will log data and generate events for the pulse action. However, this is dependent on the Field Device also being On Scan ((see Set a WITS Outstation to be On Scan or Off Scan)). If the Field Device is Off Scan, the WITS pulse action will also be Off Scan, irrespective of the pulse action's own scan status.

When a pulse action is Off Scan, the Field Device will not log data or generate events for the pulse action.

For more information about the point scanning states ((see Scanning States for WITS Database Points)).

You can define whether a pulse action is set to On Scan or Off Scan in its initial configuration. To do this, you use the Enabled check box in the Scanning section of the Pulse Action tab in the WITS Pulse <Pulse Type> Form ((see Scanning States for WITS Database Points)). You should then download the configuration to the Field Device ((see Download Configuration (WITS Outstation))).

To set a pulse action to be On Scan or Off Scan, you use the On Scan (WITS Point) and Off Scan (WITS Point) actions.

Further Information

Scanning (WITS Outstation).

Scanning (WITS Point).


Geo SCADA Expert 2019