Specify the Polling Interval and Offset for Logged Data

WITS allows Field Devices to store time-stamped point data and events (see WITS Data Logging - Logged Data Retrieval). This logged data can be retrieved by Geo SCADA Expert at specified intervals, for example, you could set Geo SCADA Expert to poll for logged data every 15 minutes. However, periodic logged data retrieval can only take place on:

Geo SCADA Expert will not initiate a connection to retrieve logged data; it will only retrieve logged data on a connection that is already open.

To configure Geo SCADA Expert to poll a WITS Field Device for logged data, you need to enable Logged Data and configure the Polling Interval and Polling Offset. These settings are located on the WITS tab of the WITS Outstation Form.

When specifying the Logged Data Polling Interval and Polling Offset, you need to consider:

Ideally, you want Geo SCADA Expert to be able to poll each Field Device efficiently, without causing a high load on the communications channel. You should also aim to poll each Field Device regularly so that it does not lose data due to an overflowing data store.

To enable polling for logged data, you need to use the Logged Data settings on the WITS tab of the WITS Outstation Form:

  1. Log on to ViewX via a user account that has the Configure permission, and then display the Form for the Outstation that represents your Field Device (see Display a Form).
  2. Select the WITS tab.
  3. In the Logged Data section, use the Enabled check box to define whether Geo SCADA Expert retrieves logged data from the Field Device.

    If you want Geo SCADA Expert to retrieve logged data from the Field Device, select the check box. You can then use the Polling Interval and Polling Offset to specify when the logged data will be retrieved (see step 4).

    If you do not want Geo SCADA Expert to retrieve logged data from the Field Device, clear the check box. You should clear the check box if you do not want your Field Device to log data or if it does not support logged data (as defined in its Device Profile, see Display a WITS Device Profile).

    Logged Data settings on WITS Outstation Form

    If the Field Device signals logging is filling or has overflowed, the logged data is retrieved automatically, irrespective of the Enabled setting.

  4. Use the Polling settings to define when Geo SCADA Expert will poll the WITS Outstation for logged data.
    • Polling Interval—Use to specify how often Geo SCADA Expert will poll the WITS Outstation.

      If you want Geo SCADA Expert to retrieve logged data only when a connection is established or Refresh (WITS Outstation) is selected, set this field to 0 (zero). A Polling Interval of 0 is often used for on-demand connections such as PSTN.

      If you want Geo SCADA Expert to retrieve logged data regularly, specify how often the polling should occur (in the OPC Time Format). You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Interval Window (accessed via the field’s browse button) to specify the required value. For more details, see OPC Time Format.

    • Polling Offset—Use to specify the start time for the poll in the OPC Time Format. You can enter the value directly in the field, or use the Offset Window (accessed via the field’s browse button) to specify the required value.


    To set Geo SCADA Expert to poll a WITS Field Device every fifteen minutes:

    Interval: 15M

    Offset: 0

    To set Geo SCADA Expert to poll a WITS Field Device every hour at half past the hour:

    Interval: 1H

    Offset: 30M

    To set Geo SCADA Expert to poll a WITS Field Device every day at 06:00 (UTC):

    Interval: 1D

    Offset: 6H

  5. Save the configuration.

The Logged Data settings are used by Geo SCADA Expert only, and so do not need to be downloaded to the WITS Field Device.

If Logged Data is enabled and your Field Devices start to overflow, you should consider:


Geo SCADA Expert 2019