Configuring an Outstation Set

An Outstation Set is a group of outstations that share one or more channels. All of the outstations in a set communicate with the server using the same driver-specific protocol. For outstations that are permanently connected to the server, you need to configure one outstation set for each group of outstations that communicate via a particular channel or pair of channels.

You also need to configure outstation sets for those outstations that communicate using a dial-up modem. Typically, you group these outstations according to their geographical region, with a PSTN Outstation Set being added for each region. You may also need to organize the outstations according to how you want to dial the outstations, as One Shot, and Promote Dial Out actions can be applied to all outstations in a set (see Temporarily Increasing the Frequency with which an Outstation is Called).

Each advanced driver on Geo SCADA Expert supports one or more of these types of outstation set:


Direct outstation sets contain outstations that are connected to the master station via a direct link, for example, a cable or network (see Direct Outstations). The outstation set determines which direct channel is used to contact the Geo SCADA Expert server (see Defining the Channel for a Direct Set).


Switched outstations sets contain outstations that communicate with the master station via one of two telemetry channels (see Switched Dual Channel). All of the outstations use the same channel at the same time. Specify the channels on the Outstation Set Form (see Defining Channel Settings for a Switched Set).

The server determines which channel is used by the outstations in the set.


Shared outstation sets contain outstations that communicate with the master station on either of two telemetry channels. Each outstation can use either channel A or channel B (see Shared Outstations). Specify the channels on the Outstation Set Form (see Defining Channel Settings for a Shared Set).


PSTN outstation sets contain outstations that communicate with the master station via a dial-up modem (see PSTN Outstations and Communications). Specify the basic communication settings for a PSTN set using the Outstation Set Form (see Defining Communication Settings).

Refer to the driver-specific documentation for the types of set that are supported by individual drivers.

Use the fields on the appropriate Outstation Set Form to configure the sets on your system. The Form has several tabs (see Tabs on Outstation Set Forms).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021