Summary of Configuration Settings Relating to Location-Based Redirection Criteria

Use the table below to determine the database items and configuration settings you should use to redirect alarms according to your location-based criteria requirements.

For more information about a particular configuration setting, select the entry in the table's Configuration Setting column.

The Example Configuration section in this guide contains various worked examples, including ones that relate to location-based redirection criteria. Where an example relates to a particular setting that is listed in the table below, the check mark (✓) provides a link to the relevant example.


✓ indicates the particular properties that you have to configure for a requirement

✘ indicates a property or option that is not applicable (or a field that should be left empty)

(for example, you can only define a specific ‘Region’ when the Redirection Scheme is set to ‘To Region Users’; as such, the Redirection Scheme options marked ✘ are inapplicable).


  1. Redirect alarms regardless of the recipients’ geographical region or location. (This is the only Redirection Scheme option that applies if your system does not use Geo SCADA Expert's Geographical Location features.)
  2. Redirect alarms regardless of whether any of the intended recipients are logged on to Geo SCADA Expert via a ViewX client, Virtual ViewX client, or an Original WebX client.
  3. Only redirect alarms provided that none of the intended recipients are logged on to Geo SCADA Expert from a ViewX client, Virtual ViewX client, or an Original WebX client.
  4. Only redirect alarms provided that none of the intended recipients are logged on to Geo SCADA Expert from an Original WebX client.
  5. Only redirect alarms provided that none of the intended recipients are logged on to Geo SCADA Expert from a ViewX or Virtual ViewX client.
  6. Only redirect alarms when the alarm is raised in a particular geographical region.

    (To specify several geographical regions, configure a separate alarm redirection for each region that is required. You can specify up to 15 alarm redirections per database item and/or per Group.)

  7. Redirect alarms to users whose geographical location is within the same region as the alarm.
  8. Redirect alarms to users that are deemed to be ‘responsible’ for the region in which the alarm is located.
  9. Redirect alarms to users that are deemed to be ‘responsible’ for a specific region (regardless of the actual location of those users).
  10. Redirect alarms to a ‘default’ User, User Group, or User Roster, if the intended recipients do not meet the redirection criteria. (For example, if no users happen to be in the same region as the alarm when the redirection is triggered.)
Configuration Setting Requirement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘User, Group, or Roster’ Redirection Scheme, and populate the adjacent Send To field

(see Define the E-Mail Action Details, Define the Pager Action Details, or Define the Method Action (User) Details as applicable)


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘By Matching User Location against Alarm Redirection’ Redirection Scheme


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘By Matching Set User Region’ Redirection Scheme


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘To Region Users’ Redirection Scheme, and populate the adjacent Region field


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

Find in Region section of properties

(to use these properties, you also have to select a Redirection Scheme other than 'User, Group, or Roster')

(see Specify Whether to Redirect Alarms to Users According to Geographical Criteria)


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘Never’ Inhibit Action


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘If actioned users are logged on’ Inhibit Action


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘If actioned users are logged on from a WebX Client’ Inhibit Action


Property on E-Mail Action, Pager Action, or Method Action (User) Form:

‘If actioned users are logged on from a ViewX Client’ Inhibit Action

Region’ field on the Redirection tab of the database item for which the alarm has been raised                  


Geo SCADA Expert 2021