Sort the Entries in an Alarms List or the Alarm Banner

The order in which alarms are displayed on Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner is determined by the alarm Sort Order.

On many Geo SCADA Expert systems, the default Sort Order is State, Severity, Time. With such a Sort Order, the most recent Unacknowledged Uncleared alarm of the highest severity appears at the top of the List or Banner, followed by other Unacknowledged Uncleared alarms in descending severity and then time order. This is followed by the most recent Unacknowledged Cleared alarm of the highest severity, followed by any other Unacknowledged Cleared alarms, then finally the most recent Acknowledged Uncleared alarm of the highest severity, followed by any other Acknowledged Uncleared alarms.

If required, you can temporarily change the sort order from the default, so that the alarm information easier to view and interpret. You change the sort order on Alarms Lists on a ViewX or Virtual ViewX client, and the Alarm Banner on a ViewX client, in the same way as other Lists in Geo SCADA Expert (see Sort a List in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Lists). You can only sort the order of entries in the Alarm Banner on a ViewX client if the Banner is configured to Allow Sorting (see Specify the Preferred Alarm Banner and Alarms List Options on a ViewX Client).

You can Reset the Sort Order on an Alarms List or the Alarm Banner back to the default, while that List or Banner remains on display. Should you close and then re-display an Alarms List or the Alarm Banner, the sort order will also revert to the default.

The Alarm Banner is hidden by default on a Virtual ViewX client (providing that your User Account enables you to hide the Alarm Banner (see Define which Alarm Banner and Alarms List Features are Available to a User in ViewX and Virtual ViewX)). This is by design, to provide more display space for viewing other Geo SCADA Expert displays, such as Mimics, Trends, and Queries Lists. (You can display the Alarm Banner by selecting the Alarm Banner command from the ViewX ribbon.)

Further Information

Specify the default alarm entry sort order: see Specify the Preferred Alarm Banner and Alarms List Options on a ViewX Client.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021