Configure any Alarm Suppression Requirements

Geo SCADA Expert supports two types of alarm suppression:

The primary purpose of alarm suppression is to avoid ‘flooding’ the system with alarms that are a natural consequence of other alarms or expected situations. When suppression is used, Geo SCADA Expert only raises alarm(s) (if applicable) for the ‘parent’ item. Any changes in value or state that would usually result in alarms being raised for ‘child’ items are suppressed (omitted from any alarm displays) so as not to confuse operators by displaying other alarms that would otherwise be raised due to original ‘parent’ alarm being active, or a property of the 'parent' item fulfilling particular criteria. With each database item on which alarm suppression is configured, you can use the Suppression Status and Suppressing Parent status attributes on that item's Status display to ascertain its current suppression status. For more information, see The Effects of Alarm Suppression in Geo SCADA Expert.

You configure any alarm suppression using the fields within the Consequential Alarms section of each database item’s Alarm tab. (The tab exists for any item for which alarms can be raised.)

For examples that demonstrates how alarm suppression might be configured in Geo SCADA Expert, see Example Configuration.

If alarms are not to be suppressed on this database item, set the Type combo box to 'None'. This is the default setting. Alarm suppression is not used for alarms raised by this item. The rest of the fields in the Consequential Alarms section are ‘grayed out’ and unavailable for use.

Further Information

Specify Whether to Use the Consequential Alarms Palette.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021